Cause & Effect

     For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction… – Isaac Newton

    Addicts and alcoholics must be careful about the universal laws of cause & effect, for these laws are also alive and well in the mental, emotional and spiritual realms. There is an effect to everything we do, whether physical or mental.

     If we think angry thoughts, chances are we will attract angry people to us who come and piss us off even more. If we embrace and indulge our resentment towards others, chances are we will reap ongoing negativity and outside judgement. If we choose to lash out verbally, there is no doubt someone will return the favor. If we distract ourselves constantly and fill our minds with say, the garbage on E! Television, we will probably suffer from boredom, frustration, apathy, and indifference. Even if we neglect ourselves spiritually or emotionally by slacking off on certain right actions that we have committed to take consistently, rest assured we will suffer in a multitude of ways. We will become depressed (a form of self-absorption) which will effect our ability to be present with others, to give to others, to love others.

     And it’s just the same with positive actions, thoughts and words. There is a positive effect, whether it’s good people, or worldly blessings, something unseen, or most importantly, peace inside. The effect of goodness is goodness, and vice versa. Cause & effect can destroy us or it can save us. This is a lesson I have learned intellectually yet I continue to violate on almost a daily basis. Addicts and alcoholics will always make mistakes. We will always act, think and speak negatively. It’s what we do about it that matters. Making it right will gradually effect our character and change us slowly over the long run. Are you in it for the long run? And do you want to just get sober or do you really want to change? Sometimes I have to ask myself these questions. And it’s in the answer that I eventually find the results.

God, please give me the willingness, strength and goodness to honor the laws of cause and effect…

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