Everything Good Is God

     “Faced with this problem, if a doctor is honest with himself, he must sometimes feel his own inadequacy. Although he gives all that is in him, it is often not enough. One feels that something more than human power is needed to produce this essential psychic change. Though the aggregate of recoveries resulting from psychiatric effort is considerable, we physicians must admit we have made little impression upon the problem as a whole. Many types do not respond to the ordinary psychological approach.” – Alcoholics Anonymous, The Doctor’s Opinion, xxix

      I do not and will never take credit for the work I did and for the resulting miracles in my life. Sure I made an effort and did some work BUT everything good that I do is powered by God and is God. Additionally, all good things that have come to me as a result of the work I’ve done are from God and are God. I believe that will all my heart.

     Yes, getting better requires some hard work. But the thing that actually changes us, removes the mental obsession and restores us to sanity, that is God. There is no becoming recovered without the assistance of God. And because I am certain of that, I am also certain that GOD exists. God exists whether we believe it or not. There is a truth out there, and there is a spiritual world. There is much more happening here than we can see, hear and touch. So to deny God and the angels, is really to deny ourselves.

     We should get on the right side of that trade, if you will. And speaking of trades and investments, the US dollar will most certainly be collapsing at some point, thus utterly destroying your savings and everything you have worked so hard for. This may occur after a deflationary contraction (as the parabolic debt bubble explodes) that will trigger an unspeakable onslaught of central bank money printing. All central banks are simultaneously devaluing their currencies (i.e. stealing your money and thus your time, energy, work & freedom), and the US dollar collapse won’t spare anyone. And hey, we really shouldn’t be surprised when this happens because we elected these insane dumbasses. You will likely see gold and silver fly through the roof (as their prices are simply a barometer of economic health and that of fiat currencies) and enter a bubble, just like housing, but much, much bigger.

     Don’t forget to sell at the top… unless there is a new monetary system by then that is backed by sound money, but that’s not likely, because unbacked paper money is how we are controlled, marginalized, and ultimately robbed by the powers that be. It’s also how the banks get bailed out after crashing the economy and destroying the wealth of millions. The money to bail them out doesn’t exist, it is printed out of thin air, and thus we get screwed twice through taxes and inflation. And to make you even sicker, guess what the banking elite does with your hard-earned, now watered-down bailout dollars? Yup, that’s right, take billions in subsidized bonuses even though they should be in jail for committing crimes and for being the very dumbest business minds on the planet, along with the FOMC committee.

NOTE: Above is not financial advice. Same with addiction. I have decided not to reply personally to any comments to protect myself from libel or slander, of which I have often been a victim. But oh, the sheer comedy of trying to destroy a reputation that is one or two steps above sewer garbage anyway! However, I want everyone who has reached out and taken the time to comment to know that I am with you all. I will forever remain to pray with you for your loved ones. God Bless You All.

God, teach me to be still and know… 

‘Debt Collapse’ Educational Video

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