
From Addiction Is a Spiritual Problem.


Addiction is not solely or even chiefly driven by spirituality or lack thereof. Its causes are far more complex than that, as behavioral medicine is discovering. If it were so strongly related to spirituality, AA and other 12 Step groups would have far greater success rates than saving 5-8% of people who enter either program. The time has come for recognition of other approaches to the illness of addiction, beyond what was written by Depression-era evangelical Christians.


Bravo, bravo. Lol, kidding. I guess we can assume you’ve never witnessed a scientific miracle. I think we can also assume you’re not an addict. Often people talk like this when they have no direct experience with the subject matter. This sounds much like a removed academic observation.

For one, AA as you know it is an entirely different program from the Step process, though for the typical academic, the Steps are just a poster on the wall in the church basement. The problem with doctors & scientists and their followers is that it’s difficult to get them to see beyond their narrow and linear frame of mind regarding addiction. More importantly, they talk about addiction with such certainty while having zero personal experience with it in the real world.

The presence of the mental obsession proves that doctors and academics are completely wrong about addiction treatment. The body of an addict and the physical symptoms of addiction are irrelevant. The problem of staying sober centers in the mind, and unfortunately, pills and science cannot repair the broken mind. They cannot restore an addict to sanity, nor can they change a person fundamentally, which is quite necessary if we have any chance to really recover.

If your unfounded stats are true, which I’ll just assume are not because your models appear to be broken, it is simply due to the fact that 92-95% of people in AA don’t take Steps. People who complete and continue the work required in the Steps do not fail, and said actions have nothing to do with ‘Depression-era, evangelical Christians.’ Writing inventory, making amends, being a good person and helping others is a fairly simple, timeless and universal recipe.

P.S. Ironic that we are in a Depression now, and have been since 2009… and yes, there is math as well as a plethora of facts to prove that. However, thanks for chiming in. Appreciate the argument, however weak it may be 😉

4 thoughts on “Comment/Response

  1. Bravo! I have heard so many parents say “My kid went to hundreds of meetings, had a sponsor and nothing changed. AA is a joke! Methadone (and all it's quick fix cousins) is his only hope.” To that I say, “good luck to ya!…oh and never leave your keys or your purse lying around”

    What I love the most about your blog is the fact that despite the fact that the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, you still manage to shake it off! (tip of the hat to T.Swift). Please don't stop risking yourself to spread truth. You really just hammer home all my beliefs on addiction and recovery. Thank you for that.

  2. I don't think the people that have opposite opinions are really haters, they just have different opinions thats all. It sounds mean spirited to make fun of parents/wives/husbands whose addicts didn't embrace the 12 step program. I know of addicts who have been sober for many many years without medication and did not use the 12 step program. I'm not against medication assisted treatment either though as sometimes it really is just damage control. I read on another blog where the mom was saying suboxone was her son's only hope and I feel like you are taking a shot at her. Thats just plain mean why do we parents of addicts, etc., do this to each other when all we really want is our loved ones to embrace sobriety.

    I'm not taking a shot at this blog because I really do enjoy reading here but I'm really tired of all the hate because everyone thinks differently. I'm pretty sure that's not part of AA.

  3. I do not know what mom you are talking about. I could not care less if people take medication to stop using heroin, so long as it isn't my son. Nowhere in my comment did I say anything hateful. If you read hate in my comment, you should examine your own intentions. There is a reason you decided to anonymously jump on my comment of support for this blog.

  4. Yeah I really didn't get that at all from your comments. I'm also well aware of the written work you've done to try to serve and educate other parents. Believe me, it was great to have the help, especially given the monstrosity that is conventional treatment. Hope things are going well for your son, as I imagine they are 😉

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