If An Addict Says…

If an addict says…
Dad! Mom! I think I might get an honors award for my environmental studies. “Wow, that’s great son.” Actually, the professor wants to put me in this special research group but it’s $500 for supplies and I don’t have it, although I’d love to do it ’cause it’d be a really great opportunity, and like, good for the environment.

…it’s all bullshit.

If an addict says…
Hey Mom, I’ve been sober for 30 days! I’m workin’ again now and everything, but I just need something to get me back on my feet. I just some breathing room, you know? Even, like, one or two hundred would be so helpful, just for my asthma medication and stuff.
…it’s all bullshit.

If an addict says…
Hey Dad, I’m doing so good at work right now! Actually, I just made a huge deal but I won’t get paid for another two weeks because the client is out of town so if I could get an advance from you just to pay my insurance and my Chinese herbal supplements, that’d be great and then I’ll pay you right back as soon as the check comes in!
…it’s all bullshit.

If an addict says…
Honey, I’d so love to hang out today but I promised my old friend from high school who’s only back in town for the weekend that I’d play golf with him today. He’s havin’ some relationship problems with his girlfriend, if you know what I mean (wink), and he really needs a friend to talk to.
…it’s all bullshit.

You get the idea. The list goes on and on and on ad infinitum. Basically, everything out of the mouth of an addict is all bullshit.

P.S. Feel free to leave your own down below…

God, please help addicts to become utterly hopeless, that it may hasten their path back home to You…