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How the Dual-Diagnosis Hoax Is Perpetuated

Why is the medical establishment incapable of seeing outside the box?

     Everyday millions of addicts go away to treatment and come home having only achieved physical sobriety. After a few tantrums, the doctors goes, “Yup, just as I imagined, he MUST have something else.” Um, no. The truth is that the addict was never treated beyond the superficial symptoms of drug addiction such as withdrawal and triggers (that don’t really exist). No one even bothers to think that maybe the addict utterly failed to work on themselves to any significant degree, namely, enough to restore them to sanity, exorcise the heaping pile of emotional/psychological filth, and rearrange guiding principles, attitudes and false beliefs that have driven them for years. If every lazy, whiny addict actually did that it would probably dissolve every other mental issue we’ve ever had. But that’s not what happens. Whoops.


     Instead what happens is we go away to some garden variety treatment center, write down a few fabricated triggers, blame stuff on mom and dad, engage in some role play, hit a couple meetings and then come home. Do you see? Having only removed the substances, what you have left is an utterly miserable sober person who is still nuts and presenting with every skew they developed as a demented active drug addict/alcoholic.

     Moreover, both addiction and mental illness are but symptoms of the same core problem – the life problem – the soul problem. People think we have these distinct multiple disorders occurring but that is simplistic, programmed thinking. There is no separate treatment for each individual thing. If you only focus on the manifestations of your underlying problem (the “disorders”), you will never remove what lies underneath and causes them.

     I have seen countless addicts who were slapped with all sorts of psychiatric gibberish recover completely. When the solution is comprehensive, the result is comprehensive. There is no dual-diagnosis because no other diagnosis would exist. Do you see? I was diagnosed with all kinds of DSM fantasies myself… until I actually did some work on myself, grew up a little bit and joined the world. I had a spiritual experience and that was that. The addiction, depression, anxiety, fear, add, bipolar, personality disorder, disorder not other wise specified… all of it. Gone.

      Unfortunately, however, psychiatrists today are diagnosing and prescribing to everything with pulse in an effort to push the sale of psychotropics to the public. Why? For one, they can’t think outside of the box they are trapped in. They only see the chemistry and the only thing they have to offer is to experiment with a bunch of powerful, untested designer drugs that rewire your brain in ways that can be frightening, if not lethal.

     So why do you suppose this is happening in America today? Why do you think so many believe in this dual-diagnosis hoax when it comes to addiction? And why do you think so many blindly follow the advice of some quack who has no clue about the nature of addiction and mental illness, let alone how to address it? Finally, perhaps we should do some thinking for ourselves and understand the pharmacology and action of these drugs on our neurochemistry before swallowing. These might be interesting questions to answer before we not just medicate and lobotomize every addict, but every man, woman and child on the entire planet.

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