God Brass

     If alcoholics and addicts have the capacity to be honest with themselves, they have the seed of God within. And because a seed that is nourished can grow forever, there is no limit to our spiritual growth. There is no limit to how much we can change and heal and thrive and give back. We must simply find the willingness to turn our inner seed into a fountain of strength.

     For willingness, we pray. Two of my favorites are ‘God, make me a better man today‘ & ‘God, bring the opportunity to help someone.’ I have no idea if the first one ever comes true. But the second one always does. There are always people to help.
     I’d like to think that the seed of God is in all of us. Someone once likened this seed to a ball of brass. Perhaps it is dull, worn, small, and has lost its glow. Yet when we polish it and shed the layers of resentment, fear, selfishness and dishonesty, gradually it becomes brighter and brighter. It begins to glow once again. It begins to grow. Our conscience expands, and we become acutely aware of what is right and what is wrong. So my job is to make sure I continue to polish my God brass on a regular basis so that it never becomes dull or loses its shine. 

God, help me to grow spiritually, that my God brass may shine within…

Comfort Zone

     Why do I get annoyed when someone else is sick, or upset, or having a bad day, or even (gulp) suffering spiritually? Well, first of all, it’s because I’m a selfish piece of shit. But when looking deeper, I find that it’s because it takes me out of my comfort zone. If I’m watching the Red Sox lose another game and my wife is upset about something, it interferes with my comfort. It robs me of my peace and quiet. It distracts me from the safe, numb state I’m in. It bothers me because if she isn’t comfortable than I can’t be comfortable, and I, being an addict, feel as though I have the right to always be comfortable. I think I deserve to never be ripped out of my comfort zone.

     So either I’m an infantile moron, or I’m extremely immature, or I have some kind of personality disorder, or I’m just a loser… or bingo, I’m just a drug addict! Yup, that’s it. I’m a drug addict, which usually involve all of the above mentioned character defects. Fortunately, the difference between me as an addict and a truly insane person who has no capacity to be honest with themselves is that I know being this way is wrong and I can change, whereas the insane sociopath has no clue that what they’re doing is hurting others. And sadly, the real crazies usually cannot get better.

     This is why we addicts must realize that getting better is so much more important than achieving physical sobriety. That line in the Big Book was the first line that hit me like a ton of bricks. That’s when I realized that this book understood me perfectly, and that its words are indeed prophetic. The line was, “We feel that elimination of our drinking is but a beginning.” (Alcoholics Anonymous, p.19) The Big Book goes on to say, “A much more important demonstration of our principles lies before us in our respective homes, occupations and affairs.” Am I demonstrating any principles whatsoever by caring more about maintaining my little comfort zone than I do my suffering wife? How selfish is that? How unattractive is that? Uh, exactly.

     The most important thing an alcoholic or drug addict can do is actually not to get sober. It is to CHANGE. It is to become a good person. It is to stop being a rude, insensitive, sensitive, defensive, obstinate, angry, resentful, fearful, intolerant, abusive, proud, egotistical, self-seeking, selfish, dishonest, immature, grandiose, melodramatic, needy and annoying shithead. Now that would be a worthwhile accomplishment! Am I there yet? Not by miles… but I can assure you that it pounds my head day and night. I loathe the way I used to be when I was using. But I don’t loathe the fact that I was an alcoholic or a heroin addict. In fact, my addiction brought me to GOD and has given me the life I have now, a life filled with miracles. So no, I don’t loathe my addiction. I loathe the person I was. I loathe the loud, egotistical, self-centered jerk.

     This is the challenge for us addicts or alcoholics. Our greatest task is to change who we are. Our greatest task is to become a good person, a better person. For sure, our greatest task is to live, breathe and walk the spiritual principles of love, honesty, tolerance, patience, understanding, willingness, strength, courage, selflessness, service, grace, humility, forgiveness, responsibility and accountability. Because, regarding this path instead of the former… why not?

God, please help me to live by Your principles…